Write something worth reading or Do something worth writing about
-Abraham Linclon-

Monday, June 3, 2013

Who Wants IT MORE

Had a good day. Took my son to school, worked on an audition for a Tv show, got my truck fixed which but a hole in my pockets but it was necessary.  I went to the Tv audition did a great job, Sold tickets to the F-U Funny & Unleashed Comedy Show, went to the gym for a work out, Sold more tickets afterwards, went to the BET auditions and I might get a chance to audition tomorrow. WOOOhooo!!! Jerrylicious is ready, COMIC VIEW brace yourself it's going to be a funny ride and if you don't believe me GOOGLE IT! After the audition I sell 4 more tickets and now at home promoting online.

Work, Work, Work...... I taking over the world..... one day at a time.......I rep for my city, I do it for my rasa.

Who Wants IT MORE!!!!!

Jerry Carrillo

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